Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday's Finds....

 The kncek out roses took a hit from the cold this winter.  Having been cut back a lot they have revived and grown into good bushes again.

The color is great and they really don't seem to mind being cut back in the spring.  I usually have had to water them the past two years but we seem to be getting enough moisture this year.

My neighbor from Woodward shared this color of Siberian iris with me a few years ago.  I moved it here at the new place and I was glad to see it bloom again this year.  It was accidentally close to a fields lily and the two are battling it out.  I will move the field lily, ditch lily, after it blooms this summer.  Both plants seem to spread out on their own when there is lots of room. 



This is one of my favorites of my cemetery iris.  The contrast of the falls and standards is so stunning.  My memories of these iris growing at all the cemeteries that I visited as a kid. Lots of cemeteries have removed them but one of them where my parents and brother are buried let them grow freely.  They grow so well that they mow them back like you would for tall grass. 

the same cemetery iris in style with the different colors. The patterns on the fall are exactly the same. 

My neighbor Gary worries about these stray things that grow in his yard.  I sort of enjoy them and then mow them down. It almost looks like a clover-like leaf.  Usually the mower keeps them under control. 

I worked the morning on my deck and sunroom painting of the support system.  I have a complete first coat done on it with its eight poles.  I spent about two hours filling the cracks in the posts with a caulking.  I was not happy seeing the dark shadows of the cracks in the posts and the caulk helped a little.  Unfortunately I think I will need to do it again to get it to look good.  The job is a big one for one person and I really have to stretch my patients to know that it is going to take three times as long as I thought it would.  The first coat of paint looks good but that second coat is going to be great-looking.  

We had a pleasant warm day today.  I thank you for your checking in today.


  1. Love your flowers. And good luck with your painting job!

  2. I love that light colored Siberian is beautiful.

  3. Interesting tiny yellow flower, must be a clover of some sort! Your Iris are stunning as are your roses!! Have fun with your project!

  4. Oxalis stricta (Yellow Wood Sorrel) I think this is your plant:)

  5. That little yellow flower is Oxalis or Wood Sorrel and does no harm! It is resistant to deer and is a wonderful little plant who's leaves are tasty!

    I love your purple and yellow cemetery irises. I have the purple ones which were here when I moved here.

    I should find a different variety to add more color!
