Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Middle of the Week.....


The evening sky was scattered with clouds.  I tried to get the neighbor kids out of the picture but the are in the dark foreground. 


 The white peony from the old place is blooming.  I was glad to get a piece of it and plant it at the new place.  I only had one planting of it from the original old row that was put there years ago at the historic  property. 

The red peony originally came from my Grandmother Brooks property in the old town of Murray, Iowa, 1963. My mom moved it to two different places in Osceola, Iowa and gave part of it to me when I moved to Woodward in 1976.  I had three plants of it at that old place for those forty years.  It took me three years to get the mature peony as is seen here.

This iris is one of my favorites of the old cemetery iris.  I have one more to bloom that is my most favorite.  The photos of that will be shown as soon as it blooms.

I have a painting project started.  I have all the posts and support beams of our sun room and deck to paint.  I never had the strength to do that before now.  I worked at it this morning in the cold with a stocking cap on my head.  It was a cool morning.  I won't share photos yet as it is in progress and will look better in a few more days.  It isn't too difficult to do as I am using a roller for it. There are a lot of sides to seven poles and the full length of support beams is 24 feet.  Unfortunately it will take two coats so I am just going to pace myself.  Second coats are always easier.  I will be on a step ladder for the beams.  It will look like an old Southern Plantation porch when I get done with a modern sun room on top of it.'

The wind has died down and that is great. We have not rain predicted for a while. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Oh, my that evening sky is beautiful. And I love that cemetery iris. But then I love them all.

  2. Pace yourself on your new project!! Love the dark purple Iris!

  3. Beautiful skies! Having neighbor kids in it just shows that there is life in your neighborhood!
    Your flowers all have histories which I think is amazing and wonderful.
