Monday, June 27, 2022

Monday Morning......


 The Easter lilies of the past have been planted in the wild and they are maturing into tall plants.  I have two tall stems and the past years one is still shorter but will bloom. 

The hydrangea looks better everyday.  I water it to be sure it gets all the encouragement that it needs. It likes where it is planted.

My son who was visiting opened the shed door and a rake fell out and hit him in the head.  He said it made him mad so he rearranged the shed making it handier and safer. It is nice to have all the garden tools on the side of the shed.  Hanging the spreader gave it more room also.  That ladder could go up into the garage but that is way up the hill.  I will move it and the red tote wagon could just go away.  Andy our son is handy.


This is an older sunrise shot.  This morning we had a perfectly clear sky as the sun came up.  It isn't so hot today and I was able to get my entire yard mowed this morning. I had to shed a flannel shirt half way through the project.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That lily is just so beautiful. Nice for your son to rearrange the shed for you. Can I borrow him....LOL. Our daughters helped us one day in the garage. But I need to get in Roger's shop and just can't seem to go in there and decide on things.
