Friday, September 30, 2022

Friday Fun.....


A sparrow with a speckled chest.  I guess I never really noticed that some of them have markings there.  He is willing to be an acrobat to get seed out of the feeder. 


 Another shot of his daring feats while on the feeder.  While talking to my neighbor yesterday afternoon we saw a downy woodpecker trying to dig a hole in one of my birdhouses.  That's not in my plan. 

The colder temps are shutting down my roses now.  This is one of the few that is left to see. It is tattered and torn but still has good color.

My red sedum is actully looking red this year.  The plant is really showing good color but I need to cut down my old peony bushes so it can be seen. 

The blue morning glory is showing off for me.  I planted them late and they really did take off anyway to give me lots of blooms.  I washed the front of the house siding this morning with the power washer.  The front of our house is a one story ranch so it didn't take so long.  I now have three sides of the house washed.  It is funny how it didn't look dirty but now it really does look clean.  I returned to the one end side to finish up some of the higher parts.  It is now done too.  One big side to do.  I will wait to do that next week.  I need to rest up for the last side.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That's a lot of work.

    Love love that sedum! Looks amazing.
    Those morning glories are such a great color!
