Thursday, October 13, 2022

Lots of Shots.....

 A female downy woodpecker enjoys the fresh cake of suet. The seeds that are mixed it helps to make it more fun.  I am waiting for the male downy to show up to eat. He will have a red cap.

The bird looks back and forth looking for dangerous offenders. The flip their head back and forth so fast that it is hard to capture the head in focus. 

There were few clouds out there in the evening but the one that was out there in the east reflected solar rays. 

The petunias do not like the cold and I am sure they will now close up and quit.  I am going to dig the hardy geraniums this fall as they really didn't bloom all summer.  I am hoping to see them bloom planted in pots and put in my windows this winter. 

I am assuming that this is the last hibiscus bloom.  It is way down at the bottom and was difficult to photograph.  I have one last tomato plant to clear out today and need to stuff my vine into the recycle bag.  I chopped on the thug vine and took off a layer of it yesterday.  The wind was so strong that the little loose leaves were blowing everywhere. In the old days I would pile things into a bunch and burn them. Now I have oversized bags and I delicately place everything in the bag.  It requires cutting everything up into small sections which triples the time needed to clear things.  I will head outside soon and won't wait for it to warm up as it isn't going to warm up.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That first closeup of the downy woodpecker was great, Larry. I miss not being able to see birds outside our windows, except for Canada geese and seagulls on the river now.
