Saturday, October 29, 2022

Red and Orange Day.......


We don't always get to see this color.  Sometimes it is too cold and sleet will take the leaves down too soon for us to see the color. 

 Our neighbor's red truck seems to be our street buddy.  We don't know for sure but we thing that the father stays with them some of the times and he drives the truck in for a good stay.  It looks like a partner to the tree. 

We were up early today.  We have lost another family member and we just aren't sleeping well.  My wife's sister-in-law has been in her family since 1964.  She was a caretaker for her ailing husband.  She suddenly became sick and passed away on Monday.  All losses are bad but this one hit us both hard.  I liked her easy going way that enjoyed people and animals.  She was a quiet solid rock for the family. 

One last bud is struggling to put out a bloom.  It is a little bit weathered but it does look good.  The leaves of the rose are now turning yellow and destined for death. 

The mums are putting out two kinds of blooms right now.  I don't understand it but it is probably typical for this plant. I worked outside for a short time this morning cutting up a large dead branch from my  pussywillow tree that had rotted off.  I cut it up into smaller lengths.  I have yet to figure out how to get rid of it as the city doesn't have a dump site.  I guess I will pile it all in my truck and just wait for an answer from the Public Works people.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those mums are absolutely wonderful! Mine never seem to over winter.

  2. The Mum is reverting back to its real form...interesting but still pretty!
