Monday, October 31, 2022

Store Bought Flowers....Peruvian Lily.




I mowed and mulched two batches of leaves today.  I will probably do it every few days until the all have fallen.  These leaves are harder to mulch than the maple tree leaves in the back yard.  I mowed just leaves today but both neighbors thought they had better mow their yards because of my mowing. It is a cool day but not cold.  It is a fall day and it is nice out there.  We survived the Halloween crowd last night.  We bought a lot of candy and we still had to close down a half hour early.  It was a lot of fun seeing all the kids in their costumes young and old.  One grandpa came as a Wizzard with his little grand grandaughter.  He had a necklace made up of circular chip boxes.  He had a natural beard so he didn't have to do much to fit the part. We got to see our one set of boys that live directly behind us.  We see them play all the time and William and Michael are their names.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those flowers are beautiful! I am going to have to purchase some for the house to keep around to look at.

    I was spoiled all summer by picking the flowers out of my garden and always having fresh ones available!
