Monday, November 21, 2022

Monday and Melting.....

 Google likes to pull up photos of the past.  This photo was taken seven years ago when our much loved border collie was alive and well.  He loved patrolling the back yard at the old place and was watching for enemy walkers or cats.  We miss him so much.  We lost him I believe more than three years ago now. 



I miss my birch tree from the old place.  It was big and beautiful.  This is my now neighbor's clump birch that is across the street.  Most all of the snow is melted off of it now as we are 41° F. right now. I have been watching water dripping off the bird feeders as the snow melts away.

Our neighbors up the street have five or six kids.  They got out and made this snow man back when it snowed.  There actually was a head on top of the two parts here but it melted away yesterday.  It is a rough looking snowman as I don't think they did any rolling of the snow to make it.  The need to attended a workshop on how to make a proper snowperson. 

The warming trend is turning our backyard into a tundra looking place.  I am ready for it to be melted.  I did walk around out there a little bit today as it was so warm compared to the past week's temps. It seems to be a good Monday.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Always good to see a photo of Barney! He was a good friend to you:)

  2. Most of the snow melted off the grass areas yesterday. We should get to 48 today! Whew! Shorts weather almost!
