Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Pre Thanksgiving Day..




Non related things to fill the blog today. We are melting some more today.  It still feels cold at 52° F. but one doesn't have to wear the heaviest winter coat.  I made a last dash to the grocery store today to pick up a few things for the next few days.  Our planned company from Chicago   are not coming as we are still recouping from the virus of the day.   We both are stronger but not able to really deal with anything too complicated.  Our energy levels are just low level.   We will have a low keyed Thanksgiving with pumpkin pie.  I was at the store when the guy was unloading about fifty pies from boxes.  He was a friendly sort,  knowing he was putting out people's favorite pie of the season. Bought the cool whip already last week. I will get a very thin slice but I will have some.

I wish you all to have a great day tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sorry you two are not feeling up to company. Hope you get the rest you need to feel better soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Sorry you are not feeling up to company, but sometimes a low key day is good too.
