Saturday, November 12, 2022

Saturday's Downy......

 I was our of photos but the female downy showed up at the window to help me frin blog photos.  It may look strange the photo shows the woodpecker looking away from me and you are seeing the back of the head. 

When she turns her head back around you can see the side of her fae. It is very cold out there and I am sure the easy picking of seed is good for her.

The heads are always moving so it isn't unusual to get blurs in parts of the shots. The side view show off the distinct pattern of white spots on the feathers of the woodpecker. 

We have a light dusting of snow going on today.  Our wind chills are very cold and we might get up to 32° F. as our high today.   

My wife and I are both healing from the virus crud that we caught at the funeral exactly a week ago. The virus could have traveled to us from California, Ohio, Kansas or southern Iowa.  We have different aches and pains but we both have the need to sleep for as long as we can.  I can now swallow without severe pain now and my wife didn't get the sore throat.  Her glands in neck did swell and she got the headaches.  I  now can tell I am on the mend and my body is going to defeat this.  My wife started to get sick a few days later so she is still in the suffering stage.  I can now take care of her for a change.  The miserable cold weather is pure winter weather and I guess it is here.


  1. Yikes, I sure do hope you guys both mend quickly. Colds really stink.

  2. Hope you are both feeling better soon. Take good care of yourselves!
