Saturday, November 26, 2022

Saturday's Stuff.....

 The earth has tilted so much that we don't see the sunrise anymore.  It is behind our neighbor's house and will stay there until we start to tilt back again. 

The birds were perched all along the railing giving me the hungry eye.  So I filled up both of the table feeders and they feasted. 

At the old place I had a home made feeder with a roof on it.  The birds would show up and take shelter as it was somewhat partially enclosed.  This feeder does work but it seems to be too close to the house.  I haven't seen a cardinal for a couple of months and I did see a blue jay at the top of a tree but never at the feeder. 

While looking for some Christmas things in the chest of drawers I found some samples of my mom's salt and pepper shakers.  I think I kept a half dozen of her collection but most of them I gave away to family or tossed them.  These melon heads are very old as I do remember them as a kid.  My mom was always picking up the shakers when we would travel west each summer.  

We are have a warmer day today.  The sun is bright and it isn't so bad to step outside.   Thanks for stopping by today.

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