Friday, December 30, 2022

Friday's Finds....

 I started the process of putting the grandkids toys back into storage.  Our grand daughter loves the barn and all the animals that came with it. Her great grandfather was a farmer in southern Iowa with Farmall tractors.

 Our grandson loved to mix it up with the dinosaurs living in the city.  I put it away in sections so when he returns this summer he can set up some of it up again quickly.

 We had a 100 degree change in one week.  We were in the  40's F. a week ago and yesterday we hit 60 ° F. I am glad to see some of it melting.

 Some people in the neighborhood left yesterday to go to their Arizona winter home.  We are back at near freezing temperatures again so we still have snow.  I got to use my snowblower twice a couple of weeks ago and not my driveway is melted clear.  It is going to rain and snow again soon so we are not having any spring soon.   Thanks for stopping by to day.