Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve.....


I went to Menards today to pick up a gift.  The store was extremely cold and I was glad I was wearing my thermals.  The ornaments were on half price already so I had to pick up some more. I had my thermals on because I had just finished clearing my driveway with the snowblower.  We were at 5° F. most of the day and the wind made it to be so very cold. 

The morning shot was a cold quick one.  I guess we did have sun most of the day but I still fill chilled from being out there today.  We just finished wrapping the last presents this afternoon and we are now done.  We have supper to fix and we will be watching "Wonderful Life" afterwards.  I hope all people following me are staying warm and are in for the night safe and sound.  Thanks for checking in today.

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