Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday's Mania......

 The teddy bear tree actually has other kinds of stuffed ones on it.  The moose is a smaller one with flexible horns. We have lots of kinds of stuffed animals from having the two boys who are now in their 40's. My wife does draw the line on putting green stuffed dinosaurs on her teddy bear tree. 

The dolls today are all made with oversized eyes.  They almost seem like they are from a cartoon character.  We looked at dolls for our granddaughter for Christmas and they were not any normal ones. The teddy bear that we did buy her was a soft white one and the new year of 2023 was sewn on its feet. The eyes were perfect on the bear. 

The angels on the shelf are playing their melody in unison.  The instruments of the horn and flute seem to always get lost in the packing and we have to write notes to remind us where some of them are.  The horn has been in the top draw of the commode all year as it didn't making into the box with all the angels.  The flute is always a piece of stick from a candy as the original wooden one is long gone. 

We survived buying presents for our three grand children this morning.  I look back at it now and I am pretty happy with what all we bought.  I was a grumpy shopper and my wife should have sent me to the car.  They have narrow aisles in the toy department and they have large carts that barely can pass one another in that aisle.  I know the cart needs to be large so we can fill them up to the top and spend hundreds of dollars. Fighting for toys would be easier with less people and lesser cart size. We did survive it and we don't have to mail them this year.  We have a few days now to buy the parents of the kids some gifts. 

We have a light snow right now and we are promised to have a worse winter weather time to come.  It is going to get colder and colder.  Dress with layers and stay home when you can.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Awww I would love the dinosaurs!

    We are in for a bad storm, so I hope you all can miss it!
    My grands are grown up so I don't really shop for them. They just want $$.

    I shopped for groceries yesterday and stood in the longest line ever! Wow.
    Enjoy the day!
