Saturday, December 3, 2022

Saturday Stuff.....


The boxes of ornaments keep being carried up to the first floor.  The tree is now up and the lights are all on the branches.  It will be good to get them all up but for now the boxes sit in readiness.  

Christmas time is one of good memories and some sad or bad ones.  The sister-in-law who gave me the Italian snowman passed away a month ago. She would buy them as gifts at Christmas sales and gift them to me the next year.  I will still smile at the snowman with his wine in one arm and his food in the other arm. I like his striped shirt and blue beret. I will never forget Linda and the gifts she gave me in so many ways. Sad feelings and happy ones will always be.

My new cactus blooms greatly with such great color. The people with the greenhouse knew just the timing to get them to bloom. 

My wife and I are feeling better.  It has been four weeks from today that we picked up some variant of the covid virus.  We were very sick and still have a lot of negative effects from it but we are better.  My wife still has a cough that we are treating.  We both have weariness and can tire so quickly from normal tasks.  The muscle weakness that I originally had can still creep back on me.  We are so glad that we are so much improved.  I am the designated runner for groceries and sometimes we do just order them online and picked them up at the newly built drive-up.  That is the only place I go except for the one Ace Hardware run for a room humidifier.  We will be back to normal but the coldness keeps us both inside and at home.  

We are having a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I'm glad you're having a good day. Fingers crossed!

  2. Feeling better! That is great!
    So sorry that you went through that, but hopefully you will feel much better come Christmas.

  3. It takes a long time for many people to recover completely, a neighbor lost her sense of smell a year ago and never got it back. Take care and rest when your body is tired!
