Thursday, December 1, 2022

Things of Thursday......



The tree is finished.  I started helping with the tree and then got a phone call.  When I came back my wife had fun and finished it by herself.  This tree stands in our entryway greeting people who enter our home. 

I don't use garland much but this set goes on one of my smaller trees.  I really like it on that tree and would like to buy one more strand of it.  I don't know what the chance is that I could find it for sale anymore.

The salt and pepper collectors were always looking for the next best set.  My mom bought these blue eyed cats on a trip to Colorado.  We have a facebook friend the recently adopted kittens.  Her recent photo of them grown up is one of them both under the Christmas tree, looking like they are going to get into trouble. 

It is 19° F. outside so I won't be working outside again today.  I may have to run to get meds today but I will wait until it warms a little bit more.  We have two trees in progress now and one more should get done today.  It is nice to get the workshop area cleaned out with the Christmas trees being moved out of the area.  It is Thursday already.  We both are feeling stronger but aren't back to normal yet.  Thanks for stopping by today.