Thursday, December 8, 2022

Thursday's Things......

 Stage two is done with all the lights being put on the tree.  I had two bad sets among the pile this year and I think I don't need to put any more onto the tree.

The angel display is in progress.  After the photo was taken the last three angels were brought up for the display.  I had never noticed before that the back angel holds a rabbit while another one sits next to it below. 

I don't quite understand how I got them all leaning but I will just share it anyway.  Some magazines intentionally publish distorted and different images. 

Notice the big moon but I bet the planet in the distance is larger.  I was surprised to see it was there.  Mars I am told by some is the name of the planet.  We will be totally clouded over tonight much needed rain is need.  In some parts of Iowa the people in the know say that there isn't moisture until you get four feet down.  Corn would never root down that far to reach it.  I hope we get rain the entire night.  

My wife has a roast in the crock pot and it has smelled good all day.  We haven't bought one for such a long time.  I picked up the smallest one possible and had to put a lean on the house to pay for it.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love seeing the Jim Shore Angels:) Keep buying what you like as you cannot take it with you!
