Saturday, January 21, 2023

Saturday's Stuff......


The snow is heavy enough that it isn't easy to find food if you are a bird.  The sparrows and juncos are having their morning feeding and it is a feeding frenzy.   


 There are juncos out there but not while I had my camera out. No cardinals or blue jays live in our neighborhood.

It is 30° F. and a good day to just stay inside. I have lots of reading that I seem to read over and over again.  I have a new iris catalog also.  The iris I ordered last year did not die but they did not do well enough for me to order any more.   Maybe we can get our moisture content up in the soil so things will grow better. 

When my first son was born in 1975 this kind of toy was the rage.  Clean Scandinavian styled wooden toys. I am sure they are still making them but they seemed unusual back then.  I think Andy was gifted this one.  Yes, it is suppose to be a helicopter. 

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Love the birds...hope they can find warm places to ride out the snows.

  2. That is a cool toy and I recall them being made.
    You are getting great use out of you light box.

    We are lucky we get all sorts of birds at my place! But we are in a forest...
