Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thursday's Things in the Snow.....


The flowers in the garden are all gone.  The leftover foliage is decorated with sticky snow. Some people say we got 7 inches of snow.  We are getting a dusting of snow for most of the morning.  I need to do the sidewalk clearing soon.


 Old blue is looking very decorated with the snowfall.  The snow stuck to all the branches making pretty patterns. 

The juncos and sparrows were hungry this morning.  They had to dig for it but they can know that it was there. 

I edited this shot and I guess I made the trees lean uphill. The streets were cleared early in the morning and there is snow falling and filling it in again. The locust tree is a great looking tree with leaves, no leaves and also snow coated.

I will finish off the blog today sharing the model of the '57 Chevy. The convertible model shows off the tail fins more  than the other models.  Thanks for checking in today.  I need to go move around some snow.


  1. The snow looks nice, except for the part about having to go out and shovel it. I have fallen behind in checking out your recent posts, Larry, and enjoyed seeing the cars in your quite varied collection.

  2. Be safe when clearing the snows!
