Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunny Sunshine Day....


I bought the Christmas cactus a month ago.  It was already in bloom from being in the greenhouse.  I just partially watered it after the blooms all fell off.  Today I am getting  new blooms again. 


 I bought the three a long time ago when they were the size of quarters.  Now they have grown to be big. 

They are from the cichild family and can be quite aggressive.  Other fish in this family are not flat like the but are rounder and can be mean.  They seem to be really hungry all the time and I do keep them frequently fed so that the won't eat each other.  I have a few guppies in the tank to keep them more entertained. I use to have tanks of fish with a mixture of tropicals and really didn't have very many problems.  So far these haven't reproduced as I don't want a tank of them.  They do live birth and it is interesting when you get a tank full of baby fish. 

We went to the special showing of the movie "The Jesus Revolution" and it proved to be a great movie.  It brings back a lot of bad memories of the era when the hippies were many and the drugs and alcohol was abusive toward many deaths.  The book written by Gregg Lourie was the bases for the movie. The author never intended for it to be a movie but the story written of Greg's life was a great testimony and it did make into a great movie of social and Christian history. He has a large church in California now called Harvest.  Their was a lot of humor spread throughout  the movie and the reaching out to the lost hippies was an amazing story.  The 1960's through 1970's was recreated perfectly.  I believe the movie will eventually be streamed on tv network in a year or so.  I still had my hippie hair, blond long hair to my shoulders, in 1976.  Most of the men that I taught with at the time has the long hair and mustaches also.

It was great to get out to go to the movies.  It was very cold.  I haven't shared that we live near the theater, which is in an ever growing shopping mall, that is about three miles from us. The mall is full of lots of eateries and special shops. The theater has 12 different screens and luxury recliner seats.  One of the theaters has seats that vibrate with the sounds of the movie like a "Star Wars" fight scene. We went to the special showing of "The Chosen" there about three weeks ago. The theater actually has a bowling alley next to it inside and a bar for those who like to drink. 

We are warmed up today at the low 50's and more snow is melting.  Looks like spring that we have had snowstorms in March. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You really got out! I have not been to a movie theater since way before Covid and that movie I went to with GRandson Adam:) I am trying to picture you with long hair:)
