Saturday, February 18, 2023


 We had a colorful sunrise in the east.  It is the beginning of a cool morning which will warm up to thawing weather. 

The earth is rebounding back for us as you can see the sun is in the east and I can see it.  The past months it was not seen because of the neighbor's house blocked it. The sun came up but it came up from behind the rooftops.

The snow buildup on this house is now gone.  It was 3° yesterday morning and today we have seen it all melted off the roof.  We haven't lost all our yard snow yet but some of the grass is showing in patches again.  We have cardinals calling now and the house finches are also singing.  The fnch's call sounds similar to a wren but we won't see wrens for another couple of months. 

I bought this house for the guppy tank a few weeks ago.  I had not photographed it yet while in the tank. I really like it. I had read that guppies really do need places to get away to rest.  The foliage does that job but structures also help with that. The tropical water is great for them and they are doing well in there.  I have to do water exchanges often to keep the water in good condition to keep them healthy.  I dip out a tenth of the water and replace it with treated water giving them fresher water and reducing nitrogen in the water.

I am busy rearranging furniture right now but that takn doesn't get to be moved.  It is too much work. I have changed things around with the new wainscoting on the two walls.

I have started work today on the last wall in which l will be adding wainscoting.  The spare bedroom has one wall that will be treated with the wood.  It is the wall that the bed and two nightstands are up against and it will make a great accent wall.  I find that that the carpenters who did that wall did a good job on it with the spacing of studs being evenly placed.  The adjoining right hand walls though were badly done so the corners are not square.  I will have to cover the gaps with  quarter round. 

I really don't know which set of people who owned the place did the work to finish off our basement but some things were just done badly.  If you build all new walls you would think that all of the walls would be upright and squared truly. The house is only 20 years old and again there were three different sets of people who previously owned it. The whole look of the finished basement looks so good but when you work with the walls things were not done well. 

Thanks for checking in this Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. That is very true. When we added on to our little cottage, the guys didn't do such a great job in places and the rest of the house was done by a guy who didn't bother with squares,...he mostly just taped over his mistakes.
