Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thurday's Things....


The cardinal seems to be huddling in the tree during our snow storm.  He and his mate seem to be happy to hang around with the snow falling and the seed trays being full of safflower seeds. 


 The female flies in quickly and returns to the tree to eat its seed capture. She appears to be a younger female.  I am so glad that I have a pair right now.

The roses are holding there own.  They sometimes fail right after they are purchased but these are just as fresh looking as they were on Tuesday. 

We are predicted to have at least five inches or more of snow.  The wind has died down for now. It sure did blow hard most of the morning.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sometimes roses that get bend heads just need to be recut with a sharp knife under there are no air bubbles:) Beautiful roses:)

  2. Beautiful flowers and wonderful birds too! I love seeing the cardinals during a snow fall.

    We got nothing but that is okay. We are back to cold temps today but we will have sunshine.
    Hopefully, you didn't get too much snow!
