Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Tuesday Thaw......

 The day is warmer today and you can see the snow is going away up the street. I won't be mowing the yard soon as we are predicted to have snow on Thursday. 

Down the street looks the same. It would be a good day to trim back my rose bushes but I won't.  I usually wait until March on a warm break. 

Our house shades the backyard so we still have snow on the ground.  It will be gone maybe by Thursday before the new snowfall.  

I am busy working my wainscoting project.  It is slow work but sort of fun to do.  Thanks for stopping by on this Tuesday.


  1. I just read we are to get 4 to 9 inches of snow between Wednesday evening and Thursday all day. Our snow was melting and our driveway is muddy so looks like we are going to get the fresh stuff.

    It will certainly delay me having eye surgery. I won't risk traveling in heavy wet snow or ask others to drive in it for that....

  2. A lot more grass in your photos than here!

  3. You have grass again! Warm here but only in the 30's :)
