Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tuesday's Things...


The job is now done.  I applied the last coat of varithane and started putting the furniture back before it was even dry.  No furniture touches the wall so it was not a problem. I  like this cozy corner that was created by the wainscoting. The chair is an old oak piece from my wife's grand father.  It is going to get a coat of varnish now too as it deserves some special treatment. There are burn marks on the one arm from her granddad spilling out his piped. 

I was not originally planning to wrap the wood around the corner but the dry wall was so out of square that it was going to give me a bad corner. I really like it but it was a change in plans.

This is our guest bedroom downstairs that holds a lot of our older furniture from out older house. We have my wife's hope chest next to the window and the chest of drawers was one that I salvage from a dark brown finish.  The chest actually sat in the bedroom of our boys great grand mother who lived to be 100 years old.  She was from Norway and spoke very little English. 

I looked out the bedroom this morning to see if we had any snow left.  We do not.  As I looked down I saw that all these iris that were just planted last year are all sprouting.  I will be anxious to see if I get any blooms from them this year.  Most times I don't think that I will.

Warmer weather is great.  Getting an inch and a quarter of rain was better than a foot of snow.  We still need more rain so the downpour two nights ago was so welcomed. 

Tuesday things that I have shared.  I even had new photos.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty room! You did a great job on the wainscoating! That Iris is early...it will probably get snowed on!
