Thursday, March 2, 2023

Looking Around.....


A mourning dove was out checking out the fallen seed on the deck. He looks like he is dancing but I just caught him taking a step. It is an unusual pose as he is looking around for more to eat. 


 I caught the comets looking around too. They are back into their newly cleaned tank. Their behavior is so different than a tropical fish.  They tend to gather together and act like carp.  I guess they are. They eat from the bottom of the tank and rarely go up to get food.  It is nice to have the tank cleaned up and the water clear again. 


The house finch is checking out the feeder to see which kind of seed that it wants to eat. It is nice to have a few pairs of them out there.  My wife heard a pair of cardinals out there calling to each other this morning.  I am told that it is 18 days until spring.  I am sure ready for that.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the cardinals are singing I guess in prep for making nests!

    I heard the chickadees change their song too, as well as the Tufted Titmouse birds.

    That tank sure is clean and you can't even tell that you shot through glass.
