Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tuesday Today....

 If I lived next to the ocean like my one son does I would collect sea glass. Glass that has fallen into the ocean and has been weathered on the shores among the sand and rocks can be found next to harbors and in bays.  A company in Maine makes chimes claiming that they are sea glass.  They are not but they are sea glass-like.  Intentional creation of glass to duplicate the color of the glass is great and these chimes are from that company.  We were gifted these from our son and daughter-in-law from Maine just a few years ago.  They sound of them when disturbed is wonderful. 

I snapped photos of my guppy tank yesterday. The population is exploding the number of adults is increasing to fight for food when they are fed.  I have moved a few into the angel fish tank just to make it more interesting in the waters. 

It has a history and I don't know what it is.  The piece is made from clay and the glaze decoration is great  It is probably about three inches tall and makes a good piece for a "what not" shelf. I took a shot of it just because it was there. The shape reminds me of the giant urns that rich people would put out in front of their houses. 

I read that there is a full moon out there or will be soon.  How many photos can one have of the moon you ask.  I am not sure.  If it is there, I will keep taking shots of it. Looking for that perfect shot is always the goal.  

We are having mild weather today and it allows me to go out and pick up trash in the yard that has blown down the street.  Plastic bags seem to escape peoples garbage cans or come blowing out of open garage doors.  As the wind comes blowing down the plain it ends up in my backyard.  I sometimes get young children's color sheets or candy wrappers. It is my real world to find boxes of cereal in the front yard that have blown down from a bad garbage truck dump. Cocoa puff boxes would be great to find if there ware any cereal left in it.  Thanks for checking in........


  1. i like your glass chimes:) Yes I know about those urns that people put out in front of their houses, I always admire the different arrangements in them:)

  2. Keep at the moon, I keep trying but most nights we've been having clouds.

    On the ridge the farmers' things get blown around and often stuck to brush or barbed wire fencing.

