Saturday, April 1, 2023

Saturday's Spring....


The crocus popped up a couple of days ago and they are stunning.  Sadly the creeping phlox is growing over them and it causes me a problem.  The phlox looks very dead but will green up and bloom a few weeks later.  If they can co-exists I would be happy about that. 


 The mini-sized daffodils were a mistaken purchase but I do enjoy them anyway.  They too are crowded out by the phlox.  The phlox looks so much like dead weeds. 

The chives are doing well and they will taste so good on our baked potatoes.  Sometimes they can be mixed in with cottage cheese too. 

The winds have been so strong that things were blowing everywhere.  On the front side of the house, across the street is a clump birch, the trees shed their bark.  It happens often that it blows across the street towards our house and then down our hill to the back of our house.  The other day I saw an empty diapers box down the street.  It was dropped when the garbage was picked up down the street.  Yesterday while getting the mail I had to smile as I could see that same box rolling up the hill in the wind.  If it had hit my yard  I would have tossed it but it didn't stay put.  It was rolling wildly in our 60 miles an hour wind. 

We have warmed up to 50° F.  this afternoon from 33° F. this morning.  We had been 74° F. yesterday so it has felt like a yo-yo spring.  We had tornadoes in the eastern part of the state and I had snow on the deck this morning.  I am hoping things shape up so I can get outside and work in clearing my gardens.  I would like to do it without wearing a winter coat.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I'd like to see some of those flowers in bloom here!

  2. Your Crocus are lovely. Creeping Phlox can get weedy looking. Hopefully they will co exist! We might get to 40 degrees today. Hopeful!
