Tuesday, April 18, 2023


 The red bud looks promising but the flowers still are not quite open.  The nights are too cold for it to get into full bloom.  I had a 15 foot tree at my old place so I was spoiled thinking this is such a small tree. 

I am so glad that I planted the tree and it does fill out the garden with lots of color. It is three or four years old and it will get taller and wider as the years go by.  It is fun to work in the garden and have it to look at when nothing else is in bloom right now. 

The peonies are just starting to poke through the soil.  The dead stems made it look like they were up but now I can see that they are officially up and growing.  Usually the peonies should be in bloom before or during Memorial Day. 

Sometime the creative brain goes wacky.  I moved this gate to our new place.  The buyers tore everything down at the old place so I call this my rescued gate.  I am thinking I will put a vine on it.  I know that the half of the plot is in shade right now but by the way our lot is positioned at an angle to the world the shade part will be in full sun in another hour. 

Our morning is cold this morning but by afternoon we will be up to a normal temp again.  The yard is going to need to be mowed in a few days.  I intend to do my own mowing unless my body tells me it is a bad idea.  I have lots of options to call on in a city this size. 'We have rain predicted tomorrow hopefully filling up our lakes and rivers up with more water.  Thanks for stopping by this Tudesday.

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