Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tuesday's Things....

I had been seeing evidence of him as seeds were scattered everywhere on the deck.  This morning I first saw his tail moving by in the lower window.  I grabbed my camera to get him in the view finder..

I have the remains of a sunflower head that I harvested last fall.  He seemed interested in eating parts of the dried flower as well as the seeds. 

As I worked in the front flower garden I noticed my one lone daffodil was in bloom.  I don't know why I have only one planted here.  I guess I thought that it might multiply but it hasn't.  I got too warm today working in the sun. I had to take off my long sleeved shirt down to a t-shirt and I was still too warm. I did get all my knock out roses trimmed back.  It is late but our spring is late.  I have dead things that I trim off as well as try to shape them a little. They are budding leaves a little so it is easier to see what is still alive from our cold winters.  It is up to to 79° F. this afternoon while I write this.  I had to switch on the air conditioning at noon.  We have been too hot at night but I haven't turned it on until today.  The weather people say our air quality is one of the worse today and I can appreciate this air conditioned air.

My neighbors have an early variety of tulips that are in bloom.  She told me yesterday that they are in bloom by the time one of her daughter's birthday hits.  The neighbor lady beat me this year getting her rose bushes trimmed. You can see in the photo that her's also are still pretty dead-looking. 

I am hoping for a beautiful showing of red bud blooms this year.  I think it is now four years old and it should look good.  I took photos out there this morning and a very large rabbit went running out and away from behind one of my bushes.  They tend to live in everyone's yard as I see them crossing the road once in a while.  I am glad we are away from winter but we seem to now just to spring into summer.  We are to have warm days off and on and I am sure we will get thunderstorms from it.  Thanks for checking in today.

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