Friday, May 19, 2023

Final Day of the Week.....


This is the first rose bush that I have blooming.  There are actually three different flowers that are open. 


 When I was a kid I would go to the old cemeteries with my parents. It would be Memorial Day and often the sight of old fashion iris would be in bloom.  This is one that I sampled from the Murray Cemetery where my parents and brother are buried.  Also many others buried there include grandparents on my dads side and most of my dad's brothers and sister-in-laws, my uncles and aunts. 

Another one from that cemetery is this one.  I have read that the hybrid iris of today were actually developed from these old iris. 

This iris is one of my new ones.  I think it bloomed once last year and I moved it to this location.  It likes it better here as two stems of blooms this year.  I don't know the name of it but I think is is named like Carnival or Strawberry Sundae.  It is a medium sized iris unlike the tall white hybrid that is growing next to it. 



This is not in Iowa.  Our son and his wife live in Maine. The other day our daughter-in-law heard a UPS truck slow down and stop.  The truck then continued on and Keegan looked at there security camera spotting this moose. Our son Aaron said it was so rare that they are this close to the ocean shoreline and away from the deeper forest area north of them. They live a mile from the Atlantic Ocean and drive through Bar Harbor to go to work.

Back in Iowa we are cold today. The wind chill is bad for it being late spring.  I got chilled the short time I was outside.  We have the smoke haze again today even though the wind is blowing it around.  I got my truck out of the garage today having successful charging the battery. I left a door open and it ran the battery dry.  I haven't driven it since late fall.  I will start taking it to buy dirt and mulch again.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow a moose on the loose!

    It was cold yesterday with the winds, thankfully I found a place to work where I could avoid it.

    Your roses are gorgeous. It is chilly this morning here with temps just reaching 41 degrees this morning. But it is a good day to work on fencing!

    Have a great day!
