Thursday, May 25, 2023

Many Things on Thursday.....

 Changing weather conditions cause the various sights in the morning.  It is sunny most of the time today.

I spent the morning watering things.  I have seeds planted that could use a boost to their germination.  The cottage garden is looking its best for the year.  I guess when the phlox take over later in the year things will still look good.

One more of my cemetery iris is now starting to bloom.  It is one of my favorites and yet my very favorite hasn't bloomed yet.  This has a good stand of plants so I may want to dig some later on and put it in the front flower garden. 


I watered in the front garden today also.  I have greenhouse plants on the other side of this.  I couldn't take a photo as the watering makes them look a little beat up.  They are all rooting in good and I have not lost a one of them. The salvia, or whatever it is called, is starting to look good.  The coral bells flowers look good as they are leaning into them. 

Morning glories are up and I hope will climb the trellis.  I may have to help direct them or maybe raise the pot up so the have to grow into it. 

The new surprise for me to see was this iris in bloom.  It is blooming earlier than the other two that I have. The bush is crowding out the plant a little so I will trim it back soon.  I know that it can spread to the left but it doesn't need to be bullied by the dogwood bush. 

I have many closeup shots of iris but I will hold back on that.  I took 31 shots this morning and I had taken photos the day before.  I have too many things to share. 

The company that sold me this iris called it "Superstition" while other companies want to call it the black iris.  It acually is a very deep purple and yet the buds look black before they open.  I have it planted in another location and it hasn't bloomed yet.

I am taking more of a leisure day today.  I sharpened the blade of my mower today by hand.  I don't have a grinder like the one my farmer dad had.  I hope it will help me with my mowing.  I won't do a mowing for five or six days more.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your Iris flowers are very showy! There are so many varieties and so many beautiful colors.
    Maybe I'll have to invest in at least one more color to add to the boring purples I have. They are just budding here!

  2. Your Iris are all so pretty!! Candy for the eyes!
