Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Middle of the Week....

 It is the best kind of turtle to have. I had a real turtle at one time and he just left the property. This guy likes to show off next to the hosta.

The variegated dogwood is a great specimen plant.  It is putting out white flowers this spring whcih adds to the beauty of the bush.  It is three years old now and it is looking so great. 

The newly fledged morning doves like to hang around under the seed sock. They like the thistle seed that falls to the deck floor. 

My second cemetery iris is in bloom now.  It is a smaller iris but will bloom out many flowers.  I am glad that the iris likes the clay soil that it is buried in and hopefully will spread. 

"I like it when a plan comes together." I am not sure who said this.  Maybe it was a movie line. I made the boxes for roses and thought maybe the hosta could fill in the corners. It actually worked very well.  For some reason the opposite box on the other side of the step doesn't look this good.  I may have planted these one year and the other one a year later.  I mowed in the back yard yesterday and I bagged some of the grass as the excess mowed grass just collects everywhere.   I mowed the front yard this morning and I did not bag it.  I may have to mow and bag it in another few days as the heavy covering of loose grass is everywhere.  I like this problem better than two years of grass an I had to water sections of the grass. 

I see that I have one peony that is starting to open.  Usually they are in bloom during the Memorial Day time period.  In the past when I lived in southern Iowa, both iris and peony blooms where always taken to the cemeteries.  The seasons to change back and forth from year to year. 

While downstairs to feed my birds and fish I noticed a dark brown creature, small, dashing back and forth in front of the sliding glass door.  It was a very small rabbit that looks ike it wasn't ready to leave the next.  It was the smallest one that I have seen here at this place.  It isn't unusual to see them but not this small. 

We are up to 80° F. today.  We will get storms from the heat tomorrow. Rain makes the grass grow.  Thanks for checking in today.

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