Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day Sunday....

 One of the newly hatched doves was hanging around the deck today.  It was picking up the thistle seed from off the deck floor. 

In just two days the iris have started to sprout up to form buds.  I had not seen these three days ago as I was out there working.

The one cemetery iris blooms first for me anymore but this hybrid white is the first hybrid bloom each season.  I had this at the old place given to me by a neighbor lady who is long gone now.  I moved this iris to a new location this past year and I was so glad to see it.  I had not remembered even planting it. 

I like my chives to bloom and I still use it.  Chopped chives on baked potatoes is the best. This one I never clipped from and I have it as flower in the spring. I have three other plantings of it.

The lily of the valley is blooming now.  There are a lot of them yet to open up but this one sprig is great with the white bells contrasting against the green. 

Have a great day.


  1. I love the scent of lily of the valley and ours will bloom soon also.

    Those white iris flowers are so beautiful.
    After all our rain, it looks like everything is growing like crazy around here!
