Thursday, June 1, 2023

Waterfall Happening....



 It is raining here and it is going to rain some more.  The flowers are not doing so well as you can see. It is reported that we have had two and a half inches of rain so far.  I had an inch and three quarters this morning but it has rained all afternoon.

I brought in flowers enough for three bouquets.  We needed the rain and everyone is just happy to see green grass again.  When it stops raining my grass will be five inches high.  It will be a mess but it is so much better than dry, dead grass. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I was in Ace yesterday to get a heavy duty tomato cage. I saw the Peony cages there...I wonder if it would help...the blooms get so heavy when it rains.
