Monday, July 24, 2023

Taking Photos in the Heat.....

 I have lots of vines but no blooms.  The boxes sit on the northeast side of the house, the house is built at an angle to the the world, and it gets full sun late afternoon.  It causes the planters to dry out almost every day.  I still like it and it is an improvement of that thug vine that use to grow there. 



The gazing ball is always a challenge as it reflects the photographer every time. The pink rose is doing so well in its second blooming for the season.  It sits in contrast to the neighbors bright red knock out rose. 

My own knock out rose is still developing its new buds after I had trimmed it all back.  There are three rare blooms on the one bush in the front yard. 

He isn't a pet but he does seem not to be frightened by my working out there with him.  I was watering tomato plants and would walk around to the other side so as not to disturb the sweet young one.  He did leave after I stayed and water more plants closer to it.

I know I am just loading down my post but the cropped close up shows it in detail.  I like how the rabbit just sits there and turns back and forth on the ledge without any difficulty.  I guess he may want some of those leaves that are on the other side of the fence.  I have seen rabbits take in a full developed sunflower leaf and suck it in eating it so quickly. There are some leaves I guess I could pick and leave for it to eat. 

My dinner plate hibiscus is blooming now.  I keep watering it but the heat and drought seems to make it look a little under the weather. 

The buds for the hibiscus look like this.  This one is going to be opened tomorrow. I have lots of buds.  

I had an appointment this morning, early, with an endocrinologist.  I got an early text to tell me she was not going to be in the office today.  I had eaten light breakfast to not screw up my blood counts and then all was shut down.  I did get a call about twenty minutes later and a nice guy called to find a time for me to come in later in the week.  I was surprised that I could get in on Friday.  It messed up the whole morning as I was up early and off my normal schedule.  I did get outside and work in the garden and sort of straighten out my day.  We are up to 91° F. now and I am not outside.  The heat brought me in as it was overwhelming.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your flowers are beautiful, despite everything they seem to be doing well. I know that the heat and dryness have stunted a lot of my flowers too.

    All my outdoor work gets done before 7 in the morning this week so we can avoid the heat!

    Yesterday was smokey and hot.

    Stay cool and stay well!

  2. That Hibiscus is so pretty! Yes you better feed the bunny:) Stay cool!
