Friday, August 4, 2023

A Blue Chair Day.....

 It is my resting place while I am waiting on my meat to be cooked on the grill.  It is a chair that is older than me and I enjoy viewing it when I am not sitting on it.

Another think I like to view is the true red zinnias. There are not a lot of them but there are enough to make the group look better. 

This is my wife's favorite color in a zinnia.  There are just a few pastel ones but when you plant from collected seeds in the fall one never knows what colors will be. 

Yesterday a swallowtail showed that he thinks they have great nectar.  It bounces back and forth from my two different patches.  He never did open his wings while he was eating.

This is a memory of our weather yesterday. We never saw the sun the entire day and the humidity was on the ground.  There is nothing pretty about this and it was tough being outside yesterday.  While it was cloudy it still kept warming up into the upper 80° F. 

As I gaze out at my garden from my couch I can see a few of my four sunflowers.  They look like sunshine on the end of their stalks.  They look funny at one point when they start to develop the seeds from the center out. 

I worked outside for a while this morning and did get some things done.  I picked tomatoes today and I have to take visuals to share with you for tomorrow.  I have less plants this year so I don't have to worry about giving any of them away.  I liked giving them out but having eleven plants was too much.  The three of the five that I have will do just fine. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Oh I love the sunflower! The Zinnias are pretty too:)

  2. I had a chair just like that! I painted it in wild and pretty colors and gave to my mom as a Happy Chair. She used it to display her stuffed animals in her living room. Her grand kids love to sit on it.

    Hot and muggy! The flowers love it as do the insects.
