Tuesday, August 8, 2023

A Day after the Rain.....


While working in the garden this butterfly flew around in my face.  My camera was just inside the door so I got some shots.  It hung around for a long time and I tired of taking pictures.  I have never seen one colored like this before today. The wings are black in the center and yellow on the outsides.  I found one on the net just like it.  Usually I see them all yellow all sides of the wings.  The one I took photos of the past days was dark all sides. 

 It was so busy digging deep for the nectar of the flowers.  It really was not bothered for me being around like a monarch butterfly is.

I lost all my goldfish from a hungry raccoon.  So I now have raccoon proofed my water feature. I have guppies in there and I really don't want anything crawling into it and displace all my water ever again. 

The morning glories look passive but they really were trying to take over my tomatoes and sunflowers.  T took out clippers and fought with them.  The vines I clipped are on top of the pile of peony bushes.  I will try to clear more of them out next spring when I start to plant things.  I can take a hoe to them early one rather than fight the vines later. 

The hibiscus unfolds as it opens into full bloom.  The plant is running out of buds so they won't be around much longer.  We are glad to get the rain but we are still behind five inches of it.  I will probably have to water again tomorrow.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the raccoons, but you may have to add another brick or two to really keep them at bay.

    My morning glory is just starting to bud out more!

    Your Hibiscus is beautiful!
