Monday, August 14, 2023

I Missed One.....



I missed blogging yesterday.  I am not sure why that happened.  Some days I just forget about things.  We had a quiet day yesterday and went to Panera Bread for supper. 


 I had a friendly monarch at the zinnias.  The flowers will bring more in as they start to migrate south.  The drought has slowed down all the butterfly populations.  I saw a painted lady yesterday but it was a blurry photo.  I have a couple of white smaller ones but they never land long enough for a photo op.

I like squeezing hosta into special locations..  These are now mature enough that I really don't need to use flower boxes in the area. Can you see the corn plant growing there from the birds spreading ther seed. 

It has taken a long time for this pot of flowers to bloom.  I guess I did start out with small plants and they do have to have time to mature. Sometime I buy a bigger begonia plant so that it why it hasn't become so large so quickly. It is getting partial sun which is good for them.

The daylily is almost done with blooms. I keep thinking it is done but I find one more opeing yesterday.  That rose has grown large.  I will trim it down again once it is through showing flowers.  

Out of all the bulbs I have planted I still only have had three stalks of flowers. I will have to find a new place to grow them next season.  Last year I had the rabbits take them out but this year they don't have much of an excuse not to bloom.  They may be too shaded from the neighboring zinnias. 

It is windy and cold this morning. I will wear a long sleeve shirt and put down some mulch. As I remove plants from the one wet and soggy area I am just going to fill it in with mulch with less plants.  I am fighting the clay soil conditions there also. The neighbor's garden next to mine has a few roses planted and day lilies and it is all covered with a blocking cloth and medium sized rocks.  I will stick with mulch for now. 

I am moving slow today but will set out to get some things done. I am waiting for an energy surge to get started. Monday should be a work day.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Nice shot of the flowers and your sun porch! I like the butterfly too, I have not seem very many this year:(

  2. Nice! I love photographing monarchs, they don't move as fast as Swallowtails!

    Your flowers are beautiful!
