Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday, Monday....

 The mid-morning view of the sky includes some puffy clouds.  It is cooler again today but we have been promised hot weather. We will be up to 83° F. by the afternoon.

My neighbor's corn decoration is doing well this summer. It is stamped out of metal.

The ceramic house is bright in the sun right next to my new planting of phlox.  I moved it there last fall. I have a hard time knowing what it is as it comes up looking like a weed.  I am going to stake it to mark it so I won't pull it out next spring. I wonder if I have pulled others that were phlox.

The hostas are putting out some late blooms while others have bloomed and are gone quite a while ago.

The former owner had two watertanks installed that collects water from the roof.  We have not had enough rain to keep them filled.  I am almost down to empty with both of them.  I water tomatoes and flower pots with it rather than run the garden hose.  It saves on the water bill a little each month. 

After blogging I do need to go water my tomato plants.  I only have two plants left producing right now.  I still water the others anyway.  The morning glories love the fresh water that grows among the tomatoes. The marigolds are looking weathered both from the drought and also unfortunately fall is coming soon.  As the days shortened the plants are showing the change.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Well that is one corn plant that doesn't need watering!

    Your flowers look awesome. I have two kinds of marigolds flowering, one tall and one short. I like them both but next year I may not mix them up in all of the other flowers!

    Love that water catch!

  2. That is a cute corn sculpture....I suppose since Iowa grows lots of corn that is a good seller!
