Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunless Sunday...

 The front yard garden is doing well with me watering it.  We did get a rain yesterday evening and this morning.  It rained off and on and the weather people said we only got an inch and a quarter of rain.  I haven't checked my own gauge.  All the knock out roses are back into bloom. 

This is the view I see each morning when I put out the flag.  The whole area is struggling with our drought but they are holding their own considering many things. 

This hardy geranium is an example as to how things are just not so hardy.  I am glad I have some color but geraniums should look better than this. 

The evidence of the job of removing the peony foliage is shown here.  I try to take them down and do cleanup of stray grass and weeds that grow around them.  They will get to dry out for awhile before I bag them.  I remember my dad would mow them all down immediately after they bloomed.  I really like them as a shrub through some of the summer. 

I still have my two bunnies.  I have heard through the neighborhood pipeline that we have foxes.  They haven't taken my two but recently I had to pick up the last of a rabbit carcass from the back yard.  It was a full grown rabbit judging by the parts that were left behind.  I guess I need to get a wildlife camera to see the foxes and raccoons in action.

It has been a rainy dull day for most of the day.  It still warmed up by the end of the day.  We had a quiet day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We have had rain all week long, I could send it your way
    Your flowers are so pretty, I love your knock out roses, we haven't replaced any since they suffered from Witches Broom.
    Hope you have a wonderful week dear friend.

  2. Glad you got rain! WE have a couple of bunnies too, and a fox:(
