Saturday, September 30, 2023

Saturday Afternoon News.....


It was cloudy but the clouds were transparent enough for me to get the shot.  It was a Halloween moon.  It was still in the upper 80s F. at that time of night.

I mowed the back half of my yard this morning.  It was 80° F. by the time I had finished. We are hitting a record 93°F. today.  I call the photo my "beauty and the beast" photo. Our side of the fences are flowers and trees and on the other side we have the blue pool.  If it were my pool I would have shrubs planted around it to make it blend in to the yard. 

I watered flowers this morning as I want to keep things alive. The new aster is holding its own but extra water won't hurt with our high temps. 

The vine honeysuckle looked like it was going to die.  It suffered from the drought and I water it when I can.  It has started to grow out again at the top but the whole shrub looks dead. 

The orchid will be open soon.  I don't know if tomorrow will be the day but I will have my camera ready when it happens.  It has come a long way from when it was just a stick-like stem with some bumps along the surface to these almost open.

Our heat is the word on the street as ballgames were played last night in high hear.  Today's colledge football games are also in the heat.  We were up to 80*F. by ten o'clock so I think we are up to 93° F. now this afternoon.  In spite of it the grass is green to the most part. It isn't very thick but it looks good.  I need to start taking out dead zinnias now and bag up all the garden waste.  It is fall and October is a good month for closing things down.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

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