Saturday, October 7, 2023

Sunny Day....Cold.


We did warm up to 60° F.  The sun is bright and one does feel warmer because of it.  I still do much work out there as we should have some better temps next week. 


 I started the process of moving plants back into the house.  Some plants like this one will be saved over the winter.  I won't take everything inside.  Some will be brought in and if they start to fail I will just stop watering them and move the pots to storage.  I have the begonia that will winter over well. We didn't have frost but it is in the future. 

This is the last of the blooms on this one rose.  I will dead head them but I doubt I will get any more buds/blooms.  I have seven roses to dead head before winter.  I actually like using an old pair of scissors to trime them off.  My neighbor lady shared today that she puts tomatoes or products from tomatoes on the soil of here roses.  I may try it as her knock our roses seem to always look better than mine. 

The one pink rose that I have still has a few good blooms on it. The color of this rose is so great even when it fades to white.  Maybe there will be rain in a couple of days which would be welcomed. 

The mammoth sunflower is looking like it is going to fall over soon. I should cut the head off soon and save the seed for winter bird feeding.  I won't look forward to getting that stem up out of the ground.  I need to save seed for next year. I had only one seed succeed in growing so maybe I can get a couple more to grow next year.  

Right now springs seems to be so far away. When we get cold weather I dread the winter more than I use to.  I had a lot of fun projects to do this year and completed more than I remember when I think about it.  I didn't get on my potter's wheel this summer and I missed that.  I have three new sets of tulips in the ground and moved a lot of iris around.  That will be great to see all of the new things next year.  I resisted buying any more iris.  A moving neighbor may give me a couple of new samples be ore they move. 

I need to check in now and see how badly our Iowa football teams are doing.  I don't watch them but I do follow their scores.  I hope there are some surprise wins.  Oh well, thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your roses are so pretty! You were warmer than us at 49 F:)

  2. It is cooling off and in some ways this year I am dreading November only because it is such and adjustment from the summer. I will miss all those wonderful blossoms I have in the garden!

    It is chilly here today and I did chores in my thinner coveralls.

    I need to get out a warmer hat too!
    Beautiful flowers as always!
