Monday, October 2, 2023

The Start of the Day....

 We were a little cooler this morning but it has warmed up to 90°F.  This may be our last day of high temps. The jets are busy agin to day leaving their vapor trail. 

The sun isn't quit up yet. When it does show it will be behind the tree on the right.  The earth keeps tilting!

All of the other petunias are dead.  This one seems to come back to life after I watered the astor which is right next to it. 

The blues are not blooming today and these red ones are few and small. The light change and heat has shut them down. 

It has been a bad year for hardy geraniums.  I have this one blooming now this fall with these three blooms. The pots in the front of the house have lost all of their geraniums with weather related deaths. 

I had to learn how to maintain our dishwasher today.  It had not been draining correctly.  The end of the cycle showed water in the bottom of the tank.  My wife reread the directions with me and we discovered the machine has two different filters on it. We have been here six years plus and of course I have never cleaned them because I have never owned such a fancy machine.  The one major filter was in desperate need of cleaning.  It took a couple of short cycles of washing to get all of the crude washed through the hose.  

I actually went to the internet to find a video to watch in order to figure out all that I needed to do to get it started again. I had to disconnect the hose to the garbage disposer and put it into a bucket to be sure water could run through the hose.  I also had to flood the sink and let it drain the garbage disposer to be sure the pipes were all clear.  It was a relief to find all was drained well after a bunch of tries to check all the bells and whistles. 

I didn't get much work done outside but I did clear some zinnias and also put down the last of my mulch.  I could pull grass for the iris all October and still not have it all gone. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You sure know how to fix things and that is a great skill!

    Me? I'd be lost.

    Nice flowers, my geraniums, nasturtiums, and cosmos are really showing off right now! They really perked up with the rain we had!

    Beautiful flowers and great morning photos!

  2. Isn't the internet wonderful for such things as this? I recently had to resort to Youtube University to figure out my daughter's vacuum cleaner. I would be embarrassed to show what I found. I should have know it had filters that needed cleaning. It was not a pretty sight.
