Thursday, October 26, 2023

Things of Thursday.....


One eye is on you at a time.  The angel fish has side by opposite side eyeballs. It does make it seem like it is looking at you as it turns sideways to see you. It actually wants me to feed them some more food.  

We received a rain in the night to help green up some plants. The clearing of this garden has started as phlox and lilies have been cut down. I will work on the Siberian iris leaves in a few days. My gauge said we had three fourth of an inch of rain.  It came in small periods of drizzles. 

The front flowering trees in the front yard started turning red some leaves.  It is slow to turn so I have to rake things up quite often for along period of time.  By then end of the season the wind blows them away down the street. 



This leaf from the front trees has been blown into the back yard.  I have four trees that will cause me to rake or mulch. 


This is the negative part of mammoth sunflowers. The stems are so thick and the roots are hard to get out of the ground.  I use to plant six or more of these but this one seemed to be a lot of work. When the get a hard freeze they do get mushy.  Maybe by spring I will forget about this mess and plant a least one more again. 

It is a dull rainy day. We are not going to be cold until overnight Friday.  Then are temps will drop to a hard freeze. I will have more work created after the freeze but for now I am just going to take a couple of days off. Rest is will be good for my body.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Rest is always good. With this day of warm rain and ick, I'm making apple butter. Good day to make good smells in the kitchen.

    My gardens will always wait for me over winter if I don't get to them right now!

    We'll be freezing through the weekend.

  2. Good to have a day of rest! A goat would eat that stalk:)
