Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tuesday's Thoughts and Things.....

 The dinner plate hibiscus is squeezing out a couple of more blooms while it dies. The leaves are all fading and the plant will be gone overnight when we get a hard freeze.  Since it went through a drought it thinks it is spring again. 

All the other cone flowers are gone and clipped off by me.  This one plant has reset buds and now it is putting out pale flowers. 



The red bud tree turned yellow overnight.  I remember that it will probably drop its leaves in a two day period.  

The closer view of the tree shows the great contrast of the leaves with the dark colored trunk and branches. 

I noticed this morning that it is time to trim the vine.  It is so long that it is blocking the view of the plants on the shelf below it. 

It was a neighbor day for me.  I spent time talking with the ones that are moving away from us. They needed me to listen to their adventure.  The guy wanted to show me a project that he is working on of taking a used door and turning it to be made into a headboard. They are living among boxes everywhere. Through the discussions I was offered their old headboard. She said she would take five bucks for it and I gave here twenty bucks. I told her it was such a good deal that I had to raise the selling price.  It is perfect for us to put in our spare bedroom. I was going to make one but this one will get a new coat of paint and I have instantly eliminated  a project. We have been here seven years and I still just didn't get it done.

The rest of the neighbor day was sharing my tiller with my other older than me neighbor.  He didn't just want to borrow the tiller, he wanted to share the experience.  He monitored and helped get things going tilling my tomato patch and then I helped him manage his two vegetable patches.  We had a long conversation afterward as if we were a couple of retired old farmers.  He is a retired farmer and I am a farm boy from the past sixty years ago. 

I am sure I will have difficulty walking tomorrow from tilling my plot but it is a good thing. No one had to call an IMT to rescue anyone and that was good.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. How do you have a hibiscus still blooming?

  2. Pretty Hibiscus! You had an interesting day with your neighbors!
