Sunday, October 15, 2023


 The camera was too cold to get a focused shot.  It seemed more like an impression rather than a focused shot. Between the cold and the wind it just couldn't be focused.  Most of our red leaves are off in the distance in our neighborhood so I have to zoom in to get a closer look. 


Walking to the very edge of the deck and leaning way out I did get a focused shot.  We are seeing trees that are turning but we are not close to being in our peak season for fall color. Most of our good red trees are hanging behind bigger trees of a different color.

The hardy geranium in the front yard pot is putting out just a few blooms.  I will be transferring this plant to a pot of its own. I will bring it in and try to get it to bloom over the winter. 

The white one will also be potted up and brought inside tomorrow.  It is 52° F. and the wind is strong.  It makes it difficult to be outside.  When I bring in these plants I feel like I am cheating fall and winter by keeping them going in my windowsill. 

I don't think the drought will affect our fall leaf show this year.  Last year everything just turned brown. We got just enough rains to keep the trees going.  Our last big rain ended up being one fourth of an inch.  We are still in a great deficit situation.  

Have a good day.


  1. Brr. most definitely getting a change of seasons this weekend. Those Geraniums are hardy !

  2. I think we may be out of a drought now. I think our trees could use more rain going into Winter!

  3. Looks like the colors are brilliant and beautiful!

  4. I bet you are going to see quite a show of colors this year. I love the reds and oranges...we havn't even started changing in Arkansas yet.
