Saturday, November 11, 2023

It is Saturday.....


I will take a shot of any resemblance of a sunrise.  It is low in the sky and soon the house will be blocking the sun's viewing. 


 A canna lily is not intended to be an indoor plant. This one gets moved inside from the sun room each night and put back out in the sun in the morning.  i am hoping to see it bloom but if not it still is good foliage to view. 

My African violets are starting to bloom again. They would of bloomed longer a few weeks ago but I didn't keep up on their watering. 

The progress report on both the orchid and the thanksgiving cactus.  The orchid has opened up nine blooms now and only one is left to open.  The cactus continues to amaze me as I didn't have such good luck with them last year at this time. They both must really like the light coming in on them. 

I found this in photo file storage a few days ago.  I was young when I painted it, watercolor, and didn't have much skill at the time. It was probably in 1973.  The photo I painted it from was of a barn that sit on the top of a hill near Murray, Iowa. It sits on Highway 34. My one brother had a friend in his class that lived on the farm.  We always called it Corkie Forbes' hill as he grew up there. The farm house is gone and they had later  placed in storage an old threshing machine. The barn still stands there today and is located a couple hundred yards from where the Mormon Trail had passed.  I had the photo of it because my nephew with my dad was out there and my nephew took a shot of my dad standing nest to the machine.  I didn't paint figures at that time and I painted this just like one would paint in a coloring book. The story is greater than the painting for sure but it is a nice one even though it could be improved after my fifty years of painting experience would help it. 

I worked outside today cutting up brush and placing the parts into recycle sacks.  It is tedious and time consuming but it is what I have to do to get them off my lot. I didn't get done and will work again on Monday on the task. It was cool all day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I like your painting! I see you have a lovely African Violet blooming!
