Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Middle of the Week......

 The evening view from my supermarket parking lot. It is a suburban landscape in the foregorund as the sun sets in the west. The sun is seen just below the gas station's roof. I was on a late day grocery run for milk and eggs. We live only a mile from this major supermarket and pharmacy so I just make the run without hesitation. 

Among the various decorations in boxes my wife pulled out Snoopy and placed him on the mantle. The  bellringer always gives me a smile. 


The two Christmas geese also have a special place for display. They are sculptural art and will always be Christmas ornaments until the ribbons wear out or fall off. 

We have warmed up to 50°F today. It is windy so it makes it seem colder.  I didn't work outside though but I may tomorrow as we are to be warmer.  I will take any warm day that we can get. I did go back and proof read my one blog that I wrote at midnight.  It was full of spelling errors and I do correct things if I spot them.  Thanks for forgiving my mistakes. I did like my spelling of axroos. I had to figure that one out. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Most of the time a person can figure out what another person meant to write just by reading the sentence.

    Those geese are lovely as well as Snoopy.

    Tonight we had a beautiful sunset that I enjoyed while doing chores.

    Yea for tomorrow! Warm weather! I have a stall to clean!

