Thursday, December 21, 2023

Some Things to Share....

 Ceramic birdhouses of the past. Created in the classroom as examples to encourage students to build creative items. They weather well outside but I will eventually bring them in to the basement stoarge area. 

The poinsettia gets to travel to the sunroom in the daytime and inside at night.  I usually buy them later in the season and yet the grocery store doesn't have such perfect growing conditions or such great care.

It is said that rain will be better than two feet of snow. We are now in our third year of being in severe drought.  Today's kids probably wouldn't like the snow as much as we did when we were kids.  They do slide down hills on golf courses but there aren't any places safe in out area. Our street would be wonderful though but they would have to close off the streets to hundred of houses. 

I bought lots of stuff while in the pet store today but I didn't buy wild bird seed.  I had walked to the opposite end of a mall area while my wife was shopping and I decided I wasn't going to walk two blocks with a large bag of seed over my shoulder. I can drive my car tomorrow when I am out buying one last Christmas gift for my wife.  I received a card from my cousin today, who never sends me a card, so I will send another one out tomorrow.  I thought I was done doing cards.  I have lost people, they have passed, and my list has decreased.  Some of them may be  not gone but they are so old that they aren't sending cards.  I can research on the net for some of them but will do that after Christmas. 

We are off for Pizza Ranch tonight. We go very early to beat the crowd and yet it still is eating out in chaos. The size of the crowd grows while we are eating.  It is fun but I would not like to do it regularly. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Cute birdhouses and I like your old sled!

  2. I love the bird house with the face! That is so cool!

    Christmas Cards. Gosh, I have been terrible at those this year. I am happy that my one Aunt and two cousins still send letters with their cards each year.

    I love letters.
    I miss my one Aunt who wrote me once a month on scrap paper. She is long gone now but her letters were always so priceless and somewhat of a journal of her month.


  3. What sweet little birdhouses, so colorful and bright.
    Rain predicted for our Christmas day, the sleds will go unused :)
    Enjoy your pizza Larry, soon we'll be full of turkey and ham once again....
