Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thursdays Things...


A new marketing ploy is to put the red and a smaller white poinsettia together. They didn't have the all red one available but the mixture really is nice. 

I found that I can turn the plant to one direction and it does look like I bought a total red plant. 

On our big tree we have three glass blown ornaments that remind us of our past pets. We had Yellow Kitty for a dozen years. She was a personality of her own who loved to tease our little poodle by dropping things down on him. 

This one reminds of our poodle Button. He was far more petite than this one but Button did like his basket. 



Barnabus, Barney, was the last dog that lived with us. He got to move to the new place and lived here for a couple of years. He was our yellow and white border collie who was so energy filled until  the last of his 18 years. 

The last of the work on our Christmas village is close to being done.  The buildings are connected to lights now and my wife is starting to put out all the village people and trees. 

We warmed up today and it was good.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I recall all your pets fondly. They all had a good life with you and Della! :)
